Good day,

I’m Marinus Riedijk, but people call me Mo.

In 2020, after working on various farms, my wife Ilene and I were ready to buy our own farm. Based on our experience on farms, guidance from family and a lot of research, I knew regenerative farming was the way to go. Using everything I learned, I bought the best, and simplest fencing and energizers I could find for the soon-to-be farm.

But then, the land deal fell through and we  had a lot of fencing coming that we couldn't use. So, we had to sell it. Seeing the success our customers had with this fencing and the appetite for high quality products, we decided to become a dealer for Timeless Fence Systems, Powerflex Fence, Gallagher and Cyclops energizers. so we could be a one stop shop for High quality only fencing products.

Mo Bw
Powerflex Logo@2x
Gallagher Fencing Supplies
Timeless Fence Logo@2x
Cyclops Logo@2x

Seeing the change this has made for so many of our customers , we hope to make rotational grazing an option for everyone, so they can have the same financial and ecological successes.

The benefits of regenerative farming

Most pastures are only growing half their potential for forage. Continual grazing programs, or too-short rest period, allow animals to overgraze on the best plants. They return to the same, nutrient-rich plants over and over until the plant is dead. This leaves your land less and less nutrient dense by year. With rotational grazing, you build soil and drought resiliency for a more secure future and insurance for the coming years and generations.

Over the years, we’ve seen rotational grazing practices give farmers:

  • Healthier soil
  • Healthier animals
  • Lower costs
  • More profit
  • Drought resiliency
  • Up to 40% higher stock density

Don't know what you need or what will work for you?

We’ll give you honest advice and work with your budget so you can be confident you’re getting the right products you need.