Installing your electric fence, but don’t really know how to go with your electric fence wires through the corner? This guide is for corners made from steel and wood and PVC.
First of all, to get a strong corner it is always good to make 2 separate fence lines instead of using 1 wire and pulling it around a corner lag insulator (these are meant for slight corners and curves).
Don’t worry it’s not as hard as you think, here is a quick example of an electric fence with steel corner braces. Follow these steps to insulate and continue the power without a grounding fault.

Insulate the corner post from the electrified fence line by using an end strain insulator. (white insulators in the picture above)
Get some underground wire, make sure it is long enough to reach both ‘hot’ fence lines. And strip about an inch or 2 of the coating on both ends.

The next step is to crimp it on the ‘hot’ fence lines with the crimp tool and open tap sleeves, so you have made a connection between the East/West run and the North/South run this way you have eliminated the steel post.

This is how the end result will look like:

Shop electric fence corners and electric fence wire.